Saturday, February 28, 2009

Ok, I admit it, I am being a bit lazy here. I promised some poetry and I just haven't been writing anything lately. Because of that I decided to re-post some of the writings I posted on my myspace page. I know some of you have read these before but it is all new to some of you too, and hey, the artwork is all new :) And speaking of artwork, the image below looks a bit blurry because it is covered in wax, it is a detail of a larger piece I was working on. I am not real happy with the finished piece which is why I am only showing a bit of it......

You Were The One

I am not easy
Yet that never seemed to bother you
You didn't look too deep
Between the cracks
To discover what was beneath the surface
Yet you always seemed to know
What was in my core...
You were the one
Who didn't get my jokes
Or understand my view of the world
And yet
You were the one
Who quietly let me wrap my spirit
Around yours
Who embraced me for being the one
Who made you smile
Who soothed your soul
And let you be the one
Everyone else
Tried to change....
We understood the world
We made
And in the history of our mangled lives
When I was
Less than rational
And you were not armed for combat
I unwrapped myself
From your center...
And once again you could breathe.


eKo Art said...

you write such beautiful poetry. powerful emotions wrapped around your verse.
thank you for sharing.

An Altered Life said...

Thank you for reading :)