Frida's In The House
Like everyone else I know I am a huge fan of Frida Kahlo. I was taken in by her talent long before she became the current media darling she is today, and I have probably read every book and article ever written about her. When I heard more of her personal memorabilia was discovered and a traveling museum show was being put together I was ecstatic. Reality set in when I realized the show would never make it to this island and as much as I would love to fly to the mainland to see it I don't see that happening anytime soon. So, I did the next best thing and ordered a copy of "Self Portrait In A Velvet Dress...Frida's Wardrobe", an exquisite book showcasing Frida's wardrobe, complete with photographs of her I haven't seen before. How wonderful is this book? If you are fascinated by every aspect of this woman's life as I am you will think you have died and gone to heaven when you look at this book. An added bonus are photographs taken by Graciela Iturbide, one of my favorite photographers. Not that I needed to see Frida's bloody hospital gown or her prosthetic leg wearing one of her fabulous red boots, and yet the strength of the images surely captures the strength Frida must have had in her life. This book is definitely eye candy for fridaholics as well as anyone interested in textiles and fashion. Now if I could just find someone to replicate those red, wedge heeled boots for me....
Hey Girlie. Love the art piece, and yes that book is beautiful. I thumbed through it at the Frida Exhibit and put it on my wish list on Amazon.
I'll be getting it soon!
I am sooo jealous you got to see that show! The book is inspiring me, I know it will do the same for you :)
Bets, just wanted to give you some extra "WOW" reactions on this piece and tell you how much you inspire me to create!
Also, you are now on Skelekitty's list of blogs and may proudly display the "Skelekitty Stamp of Approval" should you so desire!
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